
Monthly Horoscopes March 2023


In surfing terms March is the ‘bomb’ for 2023 with two major planets changing Zodiac Signs – Pluto in to Aquarius (March 23) and Saturn in to Pisces (March 3). So let’s be prepared to ride the waves, the big ones. Listen to Stephanies Podcast on Pluto in Aquarius (Episode 50) and Saturn in Pisces (Episode 67) for more information about these changes. And lets see what Your Stars have in store for you in March.Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

You are a loyal friend, perhaps seeing your closest alliances as true comrades for the ups and downs of life. March sees these alliances come somewhat under siege. This is not necessarily a negative occurrence, but rather that changes in their lives or your own have put matters in a different light. The planets are affecting both your individual friendships, as well as your connections within a group or club. Your wits are sharp in March. You need to ensure that you choose your words carefully over the next month, so that you are not inadvertently sparking opposition. At the same time, you have the ability to speak up for yourself and as an advocate for others.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

March sees you plan for changes in your professional life, or in your public persona if you are not working. If you are happy then a powerful promotion may be in the stars. Or perhaps a happy occasion that elevates your role in your family or local association. If you are unhappy then you are likely to plan changes. Old friendships change in the coming months as you make commitments to your way forward. You continue your date with destiny, the date that started in May 2018. The planet of love, and your ruling planet Venus, moves into your Zodiac Sign on March 17 heralding a boost in your love life and/or favours from a woman.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

it’s time to stop sweating the details. See the big picture. And if you can’t then seek advice. March is about goal setting rather than juggling daily chores, or hesitating. If possible, take time out, escape in nature, to the cinema or to a nearby art gallery and tap into your imagination. You may like to plan an overseas trip or immerse yourself in sports or attend a spiritual event. The idea is to consider your purpose and to make sure you are aligned. You can then set, or reset, your goals for 2023 and beyond. The planet Mars in your Zodiac Sign, until March 25, helps motivate you to move forward in the right direction.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

Other people and events may have been challenging in recent months, even years. March is the month in which you deal with the changes that have transformed your life. Birth, death, divorce marriage and moving house are all big-ticket events. And the path of Pluto has likely lit up at least one of these recently. By the end of March, Pluto moves on and you can finally make sense of the changes, and move forward having weathered the storm or made your own decisions. 2023 then see a bit more ‘mopping up’ but you can take some time in March to celebrate your triumphs. The planet of action, Mars, moves into your Zodiac Sign on March 25 giving you a boost.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

Relationship politics is your theme for March onwards in 2023. From March 23 your focus changes from being King or Queen of your own domain to your courtiers and how you can best serve them. In particular, your nearest and dearest is asking for you to step up. So marriage divorce, joint investments, inheritances and the like becomes areas that require negotiation and compromise. If you are single then an important potential personal or business partner is likely to appear and challenge your single status. Knowing yourself, your own needs and what you are willing to change or not helps your personal interactions and contracts flow more smoothly.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

It’s time to look at your work/life balance. Daily habits influence behaviour and physical, emotional and mental health. Do you need to change anything? Are you working too hard Or, are you too inactive? Would a pet enhance your life/ Do you need a new hobby? These types of questions require honest appraisal. As a logical Virgo you may think that you know the answers. But you need to listen to your heart. This is about how you relate at home and work on a daily basis. And whether or not you are happy, and living a balanced life. It may be time to move out of your comfort zone.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

Children spark up your life in March and beyond. You can gain extra energy from being surrounded by people younger than yourself, particularly little people. Their spontaneity can be infectious. Joy, spontaneity, romance and creativity are the themes this month. You need to tap into your creative side, learning from the young at heart. You may have to tackle your own, or other people’s hidden agendas. Once you have had a reality check, then you can make your decisions and steer your course to a fun-filled and joyful expression of your own inner child, and explore your innate talents. A new romance may also charge your creative batteries.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

Mars is your ruling planet. It is also the planet of action, resources and, of course the god of war. During March, the red planet is travelling the 8th House of your Solar chart. This is the House of change which means that you are either integrating recent changes that have taken place in your life, or that you are instigating more changes. Either way, March sees you on the go, putting things in order. This could be in any or many areas of your life, but it is likely that changes on the home front demand further attention by the end of the month. Your resources are tested as you navigate the cycles of life.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

March is your month of healing, creativity and fun. So you can take some time at the start of the month to focus on what ‘play’ means to you. The dictionary describes ‘play’ as the ability to engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.’ Perhaps you need to have some quality alone time, with a book or in nature? Or maybe spontaneous gatherings with family and friends? Is it time to start a new hobby? The idea is that you can be light hearted. Even if you have many responsibilities, you can delegate or enlist extra help this season.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

March is a mopping up exercise for domestic and mountain goats. The transformative planet Pluto is moving out of your Zodiac Sign on March 23 bringing resolution to the changes of recent years. If nothing has changed in the structures of your life, and this is unlikely, then your inner world is completely different. Often the planet motion coincides with natural life cycles, such as the birth of a baby or adult children leaving home. At other times events confront, enforcing transformation. Now you can assimilate the life lessons and move forward with confidence, sharing the wisdom with others. You may take on the role of a mentor.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Efforts that have been made in recent years come to fruition by the end of March. The planet of transformation, Pluto, enters your Zodiac Sign on March 23 and stays there till 2043. So, your own personal Age of Aquarius is about to start. You are about to reap what you have sown while serious Saturn has been in Aquarius (since 2020). As Pluto approaches Aquarius you may feel like undergoing a makeover – physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual. If you feel restless then ask yourself what needs to be different. If you are envious of someone else then take note that this is something you might like to also attain. Note your feelings and thoughts and use them to motivate changes.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

The planet Saturn enters your Sign on March 8 and heralds a personal renaissance for Pisces. A natural day dreamer, you may find yourself lost in thought even more this month as Mercury in in your Sign, and the Sun combines with Neptune in Pisces on March 16. Use the power of your imagination to reinvent yourself in areas of your life that need to change. If you are unsure of which direction to take, the seek inspiration from music, films, sports, religious and spiritual activities, and nature. You can also look for signs from higher realms – such as repetitive dreams, feathers on your path, sign post names that reoccur or specific numbers. Your need to feel your way forward rather than apply logic. Trust your instincts.

Monthly Horoscopes February 2023

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

Personal growth is your theme in February and can be obtained through keeping a positive mindset, and communicating with siblings and neighbours. Reading, listening to podcasts, short courses and journeys can also help propel you on your road to self-discovery. The positive planet Jupiter is in your Zodiac Sign elevating you to new heights. Stay tuned for signs from the Universe for the next steps on your journey. Road signs, repetitive words, symbols and flashes of intuition can all be noted. Writing, teaching and journalling are also highlighted. Focus on anything that sharpens your mind in a positive manner.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

Powerful changes are afoot in your professional life, or your role as a parent or grandparent, or even in an office bearing role in the community. Decisions need to be made, or you are likely to receive news that presents you with the chance, or perhaps challenge, to change direction. Help is available from a close female friend, or lover. So, take a moment to consider your options. You may need to take a financial risk to move forward. This is not so much a personal or private matter, but rather something or someone triggering a pivot in your public life.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

It’s full steam ahead with plans to expand your horizons. Everyday chores are not the focus this month. The action planet Mars is in your Zodiac Sign and so it’s time to determine the big picture. This could be linked to travel, study, teaching, or a more spiritual way forward. Finding your purpose and taking action is the trick to a successful February. No more Gemini hesitation, or juggling. If necessary, take one step at a time and just do it! A makeover may also be in the stars, as you need to put your best face forward.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

Seasons come and seasons go. We can control some things, like our reactions to circumstances, personal choices etc. But the cycles of life unfold according to the laws of planet Earth and higher realms. This month sees you let go and go with the flow. Change what you can, such as the way in which you invest your time, money and energy. Otherwise, take a step back and trust that you are ultimately being looked after. Perhaps sit under the night sky and watch the Moon and the stars for comfort and guidance. Nurture yourself.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

Leos, start February with a get-fit program, or dealing with any niggling health issues. This is your month to get a positive mindset and to boost your physical energy. As the moment progresses, you need the energy to deal with relationship matters. Your spouse, or a potential partner, or perhaps a business associate, is likely to spark up your life., demanding more of your time and attention. You need to be ready. Your social life is also likely to take off. Other people are the focus as the planets line up in the 7th and 11th Houses of your Solar Chart.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

It’s time for a creative work plan. What is that? In business, it defines directions and guarantees delivery of objectives. Whether your run your own business, or are employed, it’s time to put together an inspired plan that guarantees a satisfying work/life balance, not to mention a good income. You could also sign contracts, consider business partners, or change jobs to ensure that your daily life is more pleasurable. You are a born strategist, so now you can apply your innate skills to ensuring that you are living your best life in the present moment, while also planning for the future.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

February sees ups and downs in your relationship with children (young or old), and perhaps also in any artistic projects that you are currently involved in. It’s time to focus on positive connections, and aim for long-term results when it comes to children and art. In some ways, this month may see some last-ditch efforts to boost your connections. You can state your feelings in a positive manner and then let go. You could also redirect your energy into artistic or home decoration projects while you wait for the dust to settle on family matters.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

If you have dreamed of becoming a property developer, or investing in property, then this is your month to take yourself seriously. If you already dabble in the property market then you now reassess your portfolio. Either way, it’s time to examine how much time, money and energy you invest in your own home, and other investments, and to make any necessary changes. A monetary gift or inheritance may have triggered this focus. While you are at it, home or property maintenance is also highlighted, and you may need to make some room in your budget.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

Relationship politics is a key theme in February. All relationships demand give and take. This month sees you ensure that your primary partnership – current personal or ex, or business associate – is balanced in the long-term, if there are short-term matters that require attention. Your partner may temporarily demand more now, or your ex may be raising difficult issues. The key is clear communication and boundaries, and planning some fun-filled activities that remind you of the positive aspects of relationships. For instance, you may enjoy a short journey, a break from routine, or making changes in your private abode.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

Not long now and the transformative planet, Pluto, moves out of your Zodiac Sign. So, now is a good time to reflect on the events of recent years. What have been your key take-aways? What and who can you keep in your life as you move forward? And what or who finally needs to go? Money matters may be instrumental in these decisions. Or perhaps your self-esteem is the guiding light. You have time in February to continue to consider your options. Then as March unfolds, you will feel the load lighten and your responsibilities shift.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

The planet Saturn has been in your Zodiac Sign for many months now, preparing you for the big changes that are coming your way in 2023. The start of the year sees you celebrate another revolution on planet Earth, and soon the transformative planet Pluto will enter Aquarius. Let the fun begin. This month you need to ensure you are healthy and happy, to make moves towards a healthier and happier lifestyle if you are not. You need discipline to ditch any outworn habits, so that you are ready to move forward in March. Think of the Scouts motto: “Be Prepared”.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

Venus, the planet of love, is in your Zodiac Sign until February 20. So, make the most of this happy placement and shower a little love on yourself and your loved ones. This is a month to let your imagination flow, and to then go with the flow. Your soft-hearted nature can lead to others taken you for granted. Make sure that you are nurturing yourself, as well as those closest to you. It’s time to celebrate your achievements, and also to have a little quiet time for reflection on what matters most.

Monthly Horoscopes January 2023

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

2023 starts with a focus on your position in society. This could be your professional reputation, your role as a parent, your marriage or your life direction. New Year resolutions are likely connected to finding more purpose. You are preparing now for an important shift in awareness later in the year. Objectives set now are likely to take off by mid-March when Mercury enters your Zodiac Sign. And you have a date with destiny from mid-July when the Moon’s Nodes enter Aries. Seeds planted at the start of the year come to fruition in July. Your personal reputation, already enhanced by lucky Jupiter in Aries, takes off as the Nodes travel through your Sign till 2025. This is an important period of time, as opportunities come your way to help you raise your vibration and align with your soul purpose.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

Your date with destiny continues in January and for much of 2023. When you look back to May 2018, you can see clearly just how much your life has changed. If you have made major shifts then you are likely to enjoy this last push towards aligning with your destiny. And more changes are in the stars. It may be time to spread your wings even further. This may be in the form of a trip overseas, or visitors from a foreign country. You are not usually known for swapping your bedroom slippers for runners. But this year see you do just this. You may receive surprising news in April, or experience a fateful encounter. And a Lunar Eclipse in your Zodiac Sign on October 29 triggers further ‘aha’ moments. The planet of surprises is still in Taurus. So, remain open to new opportunities.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

Geminis are influenced by the planet Mars Retrograde in your Zodiac Sign, meaning that you may be contemplating a fork in the road as the year starts. The planet of action Mars changes direction in your Zodiac Sign revving you up until March 25. So, take a moment in January to consider the changes that you would like to implement, and which direction best serves you. How can you best invest your time and energy in 2023? How can you make the most of the talents, and any dollars, that you have inherited? Transformative Pluto enters Aquarius in March 2023 calling on Geminis to dig a little deeper than usual, asking the deeper questions. An overseas connection may prove transformative. Perhaps it’s time to volunteer for an overseas cause or campaign for refugees in your own area? The choice is yours.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

2023 see your focus on partnership continue. This is because Pluto, the planet of transformation, is in your opposing Zodiac Sign and in the marriage sector of your Solar Chart. As the year progresses, Pluto shifts from the relationship sector of your Solar Chart into the area of joint resources. So, January sees you get serious about marriage. If a relationship has been on the rocks, then it’s make-or-break time. If it’s a strong connection then it goes from strength to strength, or you may meet someone new, who transforms your life. March 2023 is a turning point. You either move forward sharing a greater level of intimacy, and sharing resources in a mutually acceptable way or it’s divorce and property settlement. Pluto asks to dig deep, face any fears from the past and to move forward in sync with your personal truth.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

Habits formed in January bode well for the rest of the year. Life-enhancing new habits likely depend on having a positive mindset. So, mindfulness may be your first step. Research shows mindfulness is effective in boosting good health. So, try sitting quietly and letting your mind and body settle, and then tune in to what new habits could boost your health. Simple changes and small steps are all that are required at the start of the year, to help overhaul your health and wellbeing in 2023. There is also likely to be a flow-on effect for mating and dating as the year progresses. And the transformative planet Pluto enters your opposing Zodiac Sign, Aquarius, and the marriage sector of your Solar Chart in March 2023, influencing your primary partnership. It’s time to ensure that your relationship is a positive influence, supporting your deepest desires.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

Sometimes the things that excite us the most also scare us the most. January sees you birth something new. You may be scared. This is a chance to move out of your comfort zone, to align more closely with your soul purpose. Young Virgos may welcome a child. Other possibilities are a new artistic project, a fun-filled hobby or a blossoming romance. If you are unsure of your direction then take the first step of creating an inspiring space or room and see what follows. As the year unfolds new opportunities present themselves. Mid July sees you surge forward as Mars enters your Zodiac Sign. This may not be the most eventful year of your life, but it is the most creative and fun-filled as long as you remain flexible and avoid criticism of yourself and others. And keep moving forward.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

The year starts with a focus on family. Politics may be rise as roles shift and change. Your home front may feel unsettled, either because of a recent emotional event, or as a result of renovations of a house move. As the year progresses you learn the true nature of your own private needs. As a result, you may transform your personal life. A Solar Eclipse on October 15 in your Zodiac Sign illuminates new possibilities as you let go of the old, outworn emotional patterns. This is emphasised by the Moon’s South Node entering your Zodiac Sign on July 18, calling on you to let go of old emotional patterns. You need to complete karma with relationships that no longer work, or support your best interests. The idea is to raise your vibration in 2023 so that you can attract positive people and events in your private life.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

Powerful messages come your way this year. So, January sees you clear your mind of negative thoughts and influences ready for the year’s lessons. Reading and listening to positive books and podcasts can help in this process. Neighbours and siblings are highlighted at the start of the year. You need to keep your connections positive. It’s also possible that you are making decisions regarding your home and family. A Lunar Eclipse on May 6th sparks an ‘aha’ moment and you are full steam ahead as the planet of action, Mars, enters your Zodiac Sign on October 12. The Moon’s North Node leaves your Zodiac Sign on July 18 bringing a chapter of your life to a close. Hopefully, you have made the most of your resources in the last couple of years, and are ready to consolidate. Integration is the name of the game for the second half of 2023.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

Your self-worth is front and foremost this year. The transformational planet Pluto is in the 2nd House of your Solar Chart calling on you to let go of any self-doubt and to know your true worth. As a result, your income is likely to be boosted. If you work for a boss then it may be time for a raise or for you to move on. If you are self-employed then your prices are likely to be overhauled. As the year progresses you are likely to find powerful ways to communicate through teaching, writing, public relations or social media outlets. You may also seriously consider renovating or moving home as serious Saturn enters Pisces and the 4th House of your Solar Chart in March 23. Your ruling planet Jupiter joins with the North Node of destiny in June heralding a fated encounter that helps you on your way.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

It’s the last stand at the ok corral for Capricorns in 2023. The transformative planet Pluto moves in and out of your Zodiac Sign from May 2023 forcing you to make changes, particularly if you have been putting them off. The start of January is the first big (or last) push with four planets in your Zodiac Sign. Perhaps you are finishing a big project, one that is very personal, or perhaps it’s time to tackle a central relationship. Corporate Capricorns may be tempted to finally leave a high-paying job, and others may discover that a side hustle is ready to take off. Home-loving Capricorns may take the final step to snag a top-paying job. Whatever your personal circumstance, this is your month and your year to finally crack the code on anything that prevents you being your true self.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

January sees you prepare for a big year, a big 20 years, as transformative Pluto moves into your Zodiac Sign. If you have been craving a more exciting life then it’s about to come. This is your chance to launch the big-ticket items on your bucket list. So, you start the year meditating on, or contemplating in your own way, what is most important when it comes to living authentically. You could extend this to how you can best serve your community, humanity and God. As the year progresses, obstacles may loom and be cleared, particularly after March. You may welcome these changes or initially feel overwhelmed. The trick is to stay focused on trusting that a higher force is at play and that you are protected. As March approaches you are like a butterfly emerging from your cocoon. Go with the flow and avoid forcing the process.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

Your social life picks up at the start of the year and relationship romance is highlighted from January 27 till February 20 as the planet of love, Venus, moves through your Zodiac Sign. Work alliances may be political, so you need to make sure that friends and associates are working with you and not against. As the year progresses you take stock of your life. Serious Saturn enters your Sign in March heralding a time to take responsibility for your own health and happiness. You may retreat while you consider your options. July to December highlights your need to value, while also protecting, your empathetic nature. A Solar Eclipse in your 8th House on October 15 highlights joint finances and inheritances. This is your year to examine how you invest your time and energy, and to make it clear to everyone that you mean business.

Monthly Horoscopes December 2022

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

Do you feel like escaping the end of year Christmas rush? If so, you can take off to distant shores if you like. Travel is likely to recharge your batteries this month, So, too, could communing with nature or a spiritual retreat. This is you month to dream. You may welcome travellers from afar, people who lift your spirits. Other cultures and associated activities may appeal as an alternative to the Christmas rush. Or perhaps you could immerse yourself in a Christian celebration. Truth is what you seek and truth is not constricted to one religious belief.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

Your joint resources are under the microscope this month. Joint resources include any financial matters shared with a personal or business partner, bank accounts, investment properties, stocks, shares and such like. Anything that is considered an asset. You may need to shuffle some of your investments, particularly if you want to extend your credit to pay for a trip or a big-ticket item. You may receive a boost. Or perhaps you need to rethink an investment that causes stress. Funds generally have been challenging for Taurus since 2018. This month sees you continue to juggle your assets.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage, or so the song lyrics go. This month sees someone, possibly a Sagittarius, gallop into the marriage sector of your Solar Chart. If you are already married then your partner is likely demanding attention and/or changes in the status quo. If you are single then be prepared to be swept off your feet. Are you ready to commit? If not then it could be you galloping away. The idea is to focus on moving ahead in a partnership, business or personal, that supports your goals.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

Incorporating fun on a daily basis is going to boost your energy and help you achieve your goals. You need to get moving in ways that are pleasurable. Rewards are coming your way. You only need to let go and trust in the flow of abundance. The lucky planet Jupiter is high in your Solar chart spreading good will. It’s time for your promotion, if you are due, or to find greener pastures, the publishing of your work or travel plans. Daily practices give you the ability to step out of your comfort zone, dream and fly.§

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

December is your month to seek fun in the sun. If you are in summer season in the southern hemisphere, then you can enjoy the warmth and the radiance of the Solar centre. If you are heading into winter then you could travel to warmer climes. Either way you need to play during December. Your playful spirit is likely to inspire others, particularly if you are a member of a social club or group. Children may also feature more prominently now, sharing your enthusiasm for your ventures. Forget about the future and enjoy the present moment.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

You gravitate towards family this month. As you focus of family, you are willing o change your routine to accommodate your nearest and dearest. You could literally have family visitors staying in your home, or travel to visit loved ones. Alternatively, your home may become your haven with projects that make it more comfortable and fun for yourself and those who share your living quarters. It’s also possible that you travel with your partner, or search the internet to plan a dream trip. Tickets booked now give you an optimistic outlook for the future.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

Decisions are never easy for Libra people. You weigh up the pros and cons and still end up uncertain which direction to take. This is particularly true when Mars, the planet of action, is Retrograde in the sign of duality, Gemini. So, December sees you in somewhat of a fence-sitting dilemma. The answer lies in your mindset. Take steps to ensure you are in a positive frame of mind. Perhaps a short trip away could give you a fresh outlook? Or maybe seek advice from a professional? Issues with siblings or neighbours may require a mediator.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

Your budget is foremost in your mind during December. This could be because you have taken out a loan, or an investment has required extra funds, or a joint project is costing more than you expected. Whatever your personal scenario, the idea is that you need to reassess your incomings and outgoings this month. Think twice before spending big on luxuries. If you are in two minds, then wait till the planets are more positively aligned. A gamble is exactly what it says, win or lose. Only proceed if you can afford to lose.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

After a hopefully restful November, this is your month to shine, particularly in your private life. Home and family are highlighted and so you can enjoy spending time with loved ones. Home entertainment is the focus. This is also the idea time for self-improvement, self-development and anything that boosts your physical and emotional health. It’s a good time to be alive is your motto in December. Others gravitate to you. It’s your personal magnetism. Celebrations, small of big, can be enjoyed. Just remember to look after yourself rather than focus on others. Do what feel good for you.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

If you have been thinking of taking a sabbatical then this is the month Capricorn season is a strange one to have chosen for Christmas. Sensible Capricorns are more likely to adopt a ‘bah humbug’ approach to the silly season. You may be more comfortable celebrating the solstice. You are happy to commemorate meaningful events, and reject anything linked to commercialism, unless it is your own business that stands to benefit. So, December sees you marching to the beat of your own drum. You may have a project close to your heart that gives you the perfect excuse to retreat and focus.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Your social calendar fills in December. End of year celebrations are delightful for the more gregarious Aquarians. You are not necessarily religious. Rather you enjoy the opportunity to get out and network. If you have been thinking of joining a group or club, then this is the month to step outside your comfort zone and enrol. This could be purely for fun, or perhaps a topic close to your heart, something that inspires your passion. Basically, December is your month to find meaningful connections, and to focus on those who support your hopes, dreams and wishes.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

The professional sector of your Solar Chart is lit up in December. Work takes precedence. You may receive a promotional, award or some form of recognition for a job well done. Alternatively, you may seek other employment with the aim of achieving more job satisfaction. This is your opportunity to pursue your professional dreams. As Confucius said: ‘Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.’ It’s also possible that your role as a club office bearer or parent is also highlighted, demanding more of your time and energy.

Monthly Horoscopes November 2022

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

Your social life is quiet because your home life is action-packed. You could say that you are socialising with family, but it’s more likely that you are dealing with home renovations or demands from those closest to you. Changes in their lives impact you. November events also trigger a deeper dive into your savings. It’s time to change the way that you invest your time and energy. Some financial advice may help. Alternatively, you can review your investments and plan how to make the changes yourself. If you haven’t done your taxes then this is your month to catch up.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

The marriage sector of your Solar Chart is lit up like a beacon. It’s time to date, mate and relate whether you are single or in a committed relationship. The idea is that you make time for your beloved, or to attract someone who can become a beloved partner. A Lunar Eclipse on November 8 is likely to trigger “aha’ moments in connection to your partnership, or potential partnership. With so much planetary action in Taurus lately, you may have been more focused on surviving than on other people. It’s time to redress the balance.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

November highlights your daily life, the habits that form part of your routine. A habit is defined as a way of behaving that is repeated so often it no longer involves conscious thought such as brushing your teeth every day. This month highlights your need to reassess your habits. Have you developed positive or negative ones? If negative, what can you change? How can you reinforce the positive ones? It’s also your month to catch up on chores such as having your car serviced, taking your pet to the vet for a check, and having your own medical check-ups.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

This month you need to google “fun activities for children’. Then you need to go out and have some fun, either with or without children. The idea is to get your creative juices flowing through playful activities. It doesn’t really matter what activity you choose. You just need to get going. Start a new hobby. Join an interest group. If you feel constrained to fulfil your duties, then find a way to add some fun. Turn up the music while doing the housework. Experiment with a new recipe in the kitchen. You get the idea. You deserve some joy.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

This month sees you become the centre of attention in your family. An event or a person is calling on you to focus on your private life. Perhaps a special occasion within your family is requiring your time and energy. If so then it’s time to celebrate. It’s also possible that your living quarters need some tender loving care – home maintenance, renovation or redecoration. The idea is that you can focus on your home and family, and benefit from warm and loving interactions and improvements. What you give now is likely to come back in spades later on.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

Watch your words this month. Think twice before you open your mouth, and keep a draft of any controversial email and re-read it before sending. The communications sector of your Solar Chart is lit up and you need to keep your connections positive. Neighbours and siblings can provide positive feedback. And you can read, write, and undertake short courses during November. A positive mindset is the key to your success this month. You may also like to make the most of the planetary action and mend fences with neighbours and/or siblings.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

As a Libra you love to indulge in retail therapy. This month you need to examine your spending habits. You are happiest when your income exceeds your expenditure. And self-worth is the key. It’s time to take part in activities, and surround yourself with people, who boost your self-worth. And to be money smart. As American journalist George Lorimer once said: “It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.”

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

The planets and a Lunar Eclipse on November 8 are urging Scorpios to do some soul searching. This is your month to have an honest talk with yourself. You may need some introspective moments in order to undertake this task. The Lunar Eclipse likely triggers a realisation that propels some self-honesty and helps you assert yourself in a new manner. Prepare to let go of obstacles holding you back for your purpose. For things to change you must change. A fated encounter is also in the stars. Make the most of this date with destiny.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

You may be looking for a quiet month. If so, you welcome the opportunity to slow down and commune with nature and take part in creative hobbies. Your home can become your haven. On the other hand, something or someone may be prompting you to retreat under the covers. Either way, November is your month to rest and recuperate where possible. It’s time to tune into your higher self. You can prepare for December, a month full of celebrations and festivities. After all you deserve some rest and then some fun after such a tumultuous year.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

It’s time to offer safe advice to friends and colleagues about how to tighten the money belt in preparation for 2023. After your you have been born for this role and have been experiencing your own lessons for many years now. It’s also time to shore up your own financial foundations. You can align your hopes, dreams and wishes with your budget. If you are a business-oriented goat then this is your month to network and get your message out. You may also join a group of like-minded individuals, or reconsider your role in a club or group.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Women and work are your themes for November. A woman in a position of authority is imposing her will, positive or negatively on your life direction. This could also be a mother-figure within your family. Female politics is rife this month. You need to remain true to yourself. Raise your vibration and listen to your heart. Money may be the root cause of conflicts that arise, but your self-esteem is in tact and you know your true worth. By the end of the month, you receive the recognition that you deserve and can spread your wings and fly a little.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

You dream of escaping this month. If you are lucky then you can flee to distant shores for a brief sojourn. Otherwise walking in nature, swimming in the ocean, attending artistic or sporting events, reading fantasy novels, tuning into spiritual activities and listening to music can provide the solace that you crave. The idea is to broaden your horizons. Let go of problems from the past, and everyday irritants and get ready for new horizons. A lunar eclipse on November 8 is likely to give you some insights about how to expand your life.

Monthly Horoscopes October 2022

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

Are you ready to mingle? October is all about connecting, compromising and co-operation with the Sun in Libra in the relationship sector of your Solar Chart. In your personal life this is all about your one best friend, the person who is your partner in life. Perhaps this is a spouse, or maybe another special person. In your work life, it’s about contracts and business partners. Lucky Jupiter in your Zodiac Sign gives you wings and the Sun says consider others as you soar. If you encounter obstacles give yourself the space and modalities to heal any issues that are blocking your path.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

Have you heard the phrase ‘God is in the details?’ It’s an old saying meaning that something needs to be done thoroughly. This could be your mantra in October. It’s a month in which you need to pay attention to processes, rather than outcomes. A project, health concern, household duties or all of the aforesaid need to be handled. Everyday costs could be a matter on contention. Counting to ten before committing to payments, or voicing concerns and juggling the books helps you head in the right direction.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

It’s all systems go with a creative project. Mars, the planet of action, is in your Zodiac Sign giving you an extra boost of energy. So, it’s time to get the creative juices flowing. Ideas flow, and you need to listen. Live in the present moment rather than worrying about the future. Think of children, how they play and follow suit. You may spend more time with young people during October. Romance may also be in the air. The idea is that you take part in activities that boost your natural endorphins. Have fun.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

You are a natural homebody. If you are not happy in your home life, then you can become like your Zodiac Symbol, the crab. You either dig down under the sand or you scamper about looking for somewhere safer. This month sees you seeking comfort at home. If your home is your haven then you can find ways to improve your surroundings. A stylist could be the way to go, or you could do a little styling yourself. Alternatively, it’s time to step out and create your own safe haven. Beauty needs to be a consideration.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

The Sun is shining in the 3rd House of your Solar Chart lighting up your connections with siblings, neighbours, and friends of your children. This is also the sector of short journeys and your communication skills. If you have been putting off, or working on, a writing, teaching or design project, then now is the time to focus. Your mind is sharp so put it to good use. Avoid worry and procrastination and get going. If you are stuck then perhaps a short journey or retreat that allows you to concentrate could be helpful.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

October is a stop/go month for Virgos. On the one hand the planet Mars is urging you to get going, and you have plenty of plans and ideas. On the other hand, your ruling planet Mercury is saying stop and reconsider. The overall message is to take a moment at the start of the month to consider your finances, to clear up your backlog and to perhaps pivot one more time before going full steam ahead. Money matters may behind your hesitation. Take stock of your personal budget, make sure that your self-esteem is in tack and then decide.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

It’s that time of the year where you celebrate your birthday with friends and family, secretly noting who steps up and who does not. The lesson for Librans is always about balancing the scales. This means that self-care also needs to be a consideration. It’s not just about who takes care of you during your birthday season, but how do you take care of yourself? October is the ideal month for you to do a little retail therapy, upgrade your wardrobe, have a makeover or indulge in a spa treatment or two. You can indulge in Venusian delights.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

It’s retreat time. This could mean binge-watching your favourite streaming series, pulling down the hatches to complete a project or literally going on a health retreat. The idea is that having had a busy social time, or fulfilling a long-held personal dream, you now need to take time to reflect. It’s also possible that a recent investment, or change in your portfolio, means that you need to batten down the hatches for a short time. Soon, it will be your birthday season and you can, once again, step out and about.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

October is a social month for Sagittarius. Your calendar quickly fills with personal and work gatherings. You are popular and other people demand your time. You need to go with the flow where possible, but a few boundaries may be necessary if you feel pulled in different directions. On the whole lucky Jupiter is giving you the wings to make lovely connections which can be pivotal in aiding your own hopes, dreams and wishes. Social media may also give you a boost this month, sparking a serendipitous move towards your cherished goals.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

October is about finding a balance between home and work. Your private life is lit up like a beacon but so, too, is the professional sector of your Solar Chart. It’s possible that money is the cause of some tension. Alternatively, it could be that your time needs to be split between family and work. An opportunity that arises at work needs consideration, and possibly discussion with family members so that they can see the benefits for them as well. A budget needs to be set and a compromise needs to be reached.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Conferences are on the agenda this month. It’s all about networking. Perhaps a recent work conference has sparked some bright ideas. Or maybe you are about to take part in a personal or professional symposium. Meetings, online sessions and the like are highlighted. It’s also possible that you have travel plans, taking off for distant shores. At the very least, you need to escape everyday humdrum through your connections with people from different walks of life, visits to inspiring artistic events, rousing sporting contests, or cultural celebrations. Political or environmental causes may also appeal.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

There’s a time to reap, and a time to sow. Or so the saying goes. This is your month to reap what you have sown. This could apply to different areas of your life, but is most likely connected to how you invest your time and money. Joint resources are highlighted. If you are single, then your mind turns to these matters. If you are in a partnership, you are likely to discuss joint bank accounts, mortgages, savings, inheritances and the like. Sexual intimacy may also be on your mind. It’s time to reassess where you invest your time and money.

Monthly Horoscopes September 2022

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

Currently, planets are lined up in Virgo encouraging everyone to get active and healthy, and particularly Aries as these planets are in the 6th House of your Solar Chart which is all about healthy routines. So, its time to step up your gym routine, book your medical check-up or start an activity that gets your body moving. Lucky Jupiter is urging you to be your best self. You may need to negotiate with a partner or a boss to help make time for you to boost your physical and mental health. Diplomacy is called for with Mercury in your opposite sign Libra.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

It’s time to plan some fun. Your ruling planet Venus is moving into fellow Earth Sign Virgo in the playful 5th House of your Solar Chart. This quals play time, but scheduled rather than spontaneous. So, sit down with your diary or digital planner and plot creative corners, pleasurable or artistic events, and perhaps a hobby that has always appealed. Think strategically too – a chess game, bridge tournament, lawn bowling and such like pastimes. Alternatively, getting your fingers into the earth could be fun with a potted garden, or a herb or vegetable patch. Kitchen duties could also boost your mood.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

Once again your ruling planet, Mercury, is heading Retrograde from September 10 till early October. Each time this happens it affects a different sector of your Solar Chart. This month see you pondering your relationship with children, creative projects and romantic aspirations. The Sun is lighting up home and family matters. So, it’s likely that you re juggling household duties while trying to have fun. Perhaps you are in two minds about a family issue? While Mercury heads backwards you need to pause before taking any action, or making any decisions. A little digging into family patterns or your family history could shed light on a personal matter.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

September sees you focus on your purpose. Are you in the right profession? Do you need to make adjustments? Is now the right time to leap? As always use the Moon as your guiding light. And the Sun in the 3rd House of your Solar Chart means that you can also undertake short courses or seek professional advice. It’s time to focus on mindfulness, mindset, making up your mind and such like. The planet ruling the mind, Mercury, is Retrograde from September 10 till early October so you don’t need to take action yet, just stop any worrying thoughts and focus on your true purpose.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

Last month was fun, a cause or two for celebration. Now you need to check your budget, particularly if you overspent. Money matters are the focus. Perhaps it’s time to do your yearly bookkeeping, or maybe you are ready to work on your money mindset. The Law of Attraction is a powerful one, and you are well able to attract your desires. If you have been saving for a much-desired possession, trip or occasion then September sees you pay up or adjust your saving’s plan. It’s important for you to do things that boost your self-esteem now.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

It’s your season to focus on your own health and happiness, ensuring that your daily habits are conducive to good health and a satisfying lifestyle. This means physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Take some time to note your habits and make adjustments if necessary. Perhaps it’s time for a change of diet? Or maybe you need to reach out and socialise more? Is there a new hobby or pastime that could be mentally stimulating? And what about your spiritual life? Are you living in sync with your own beliefs? Self-criticism is unhelpful. Aim for change with support.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

You are often in two minds needing to balance different aspects of your life. This month sees you weighing up when to retreat and when to socialise. Your social calendar is fill up fast, and yet you also feel the need to rest and reflect. The expansive planet Jupiter is light up the 7th House of your Solar Chart which is the marriage sector. Single Librans could be drawn to a serious marriage contender. Married Librans are likely to focus on issues connect to a partner, personal or business. Legal matters may also come to light.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

Some months are busier than others, demanding a pace that is supercharged. September sees Scorpios experience such a month. Your ruling planet Mars in in Gemini, urging you to make adjustments and move forward on plans that may have been on the backburner. And the Sun is light up the social sector of your Solar Chart. So, you are active and out and about. It’s time to network, linking up with friends and work colleagues. Let them know of your plans, and perhaps engage their help. If you find yourself facing a fork in the road, with the option of two ways forward, seek advice.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

Your professional life is highlighted this month. This means that you are busy, focused on work matters. You may receive a promotion, extra duties or have a project or product launch. On the other hand, perhaps recent office politics is triggering a change of direction. If you are happy with your life direction, then all is well. If not, then you are likely to seek an alternative path, something more satisfying. It’s time to make sure that you are heading in the right direction when it comes to your career, parenting and any public social roles.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

Have you heard of the saying ‘champagne tastes on a beer budget’? This is your theme for September. No matter what your budget or lifestyle, you are keen to spread your wings and fly. And you are counting the costs. Perhaps you are planning travel to a foreign country, or taking time off work for a sabbatical or study course. On the other hand, you may be re-doing your budget as part of planning for a change of lifestyle such as retirement. In September you have the wind beneath your wings to move towards some of your more expansive goals.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Do you sometimes feel restless and don’t know why? The planets are aligned for change, and your restlessness is a sign that it’s time to do things differently. Step it up a notch. You may need to juggle your time and money. Investing more in your primary partnership is likely to pay dividends. Or you may need to reassess your fiscal investments. It’s a change of season in one or more areas of our life. If you are feeling like the changes are too bumpy, take a deep breath and trust that you have the fortitude to ride them out.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

September sees you focus on your marital status. If you are single then it’s time to settle whether or not you are truly happy. If not, then you can seek ways to meet a special someone. If you are already in a committed relationship, then you are likely to settle whether or not you are truly happy, and make the adjustments to ensure personal satisfaction. Legal contracts are also highlighted this month. Make sure that you obtain all of the details before agreeing to something that could backfire further down the track. If in doubt, ask an expert or a Virgo.

Monthly Horoscopes August 2022

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

It’s time for a shake-up in your personal finances. A new budget may be called for, or perhaps a change in the way that you think about currency. The idea is that you step it up a notch. Rash purchases are likely to be regretted. But you do need to make sure that you earn what you deserve. And you may receive an unexpected boost. If you have always planned to declutter and hold a garage sale, or sell goods on an online market place, then this is the month to get going. Think outside the square and increase your self-esteem and subsequently your income.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

You have a date with destiny in August. It’s one of those pivot points in the year. This is not necessarily a big dramatic change but rather a moment in time when you start at least one of those little positive adjustments that have the power to alter the course of your life. Specifically, you need to step up in the area of your health and wellbeing. New physical, emotional, mental and spiritual habits can begin now. A new diet, exercise program, hobby or ritual can have positive long-lasting effects. People may also pop up from your past reminding you of the importance of self-care.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

The universe has a message for you this month. Keep an open mind and perhaps also a keen eye out for what this may be. People from the past may make an unexpected reappearance. Memories and dreams may be more prevalent. Also look out for street signs and other signs that carry messages, or hints, as they pop up in unexpected places. As a Gemini, you have an affinity with birds. Take note of any feathered friends who flit around you. You may also like to enroll in classes, or network with others. The trick is to avoid worry and embrace a healthy mindset.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

oThis month starts with surprising news from a friend or like-minded associates. This may involve a boost to your personal income, or something that warms your heart and boosts your self-esteem. It’s time to believe in yourself. Your self-confidence is crucial to attracting the material things that help you, and your loved ones. So, take action to increase your confidence. Ask yourself this: “What do I truly value?”. Then take action that aligns with your own value system. The more that you are aligned, then the more confident you feel and the better able you are to manifest your desires.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

Last months may have been a bit rocky on the emotional front, highs and lows that resulted in you retreating a little, and testing your usual self-confidence. Now you can move forward with assurance, putting self-doubt and any troubles to one side. August starts with the Sun in your Zodiac Sign shedding its warmth on you and your loved ones. Your first step is to adopt an attitude of gratitude. Recent events may make this easy, as you learn what is really important. Then you can celebrate all that is good in your life. Share your appreciation with those who truly support you.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

As a Virgo you often believe that you see the world through a different lens to others. Your logical nature is able to detach from messy emotions, and avoid dramas. This month sees you less detached than usual. Something or someone is prompting you to consider changing your usual modus operandi. You need to retreat and carefully consider your options. By the time your birthday rolls around you will have clarity and the ability to make the changes that you require for your own health and happiness. Other people’s motivations become clearer. And you own mind is sharper.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

harming Libra Sun Sign people are never short of friends. But, often it’s you looking after your loved ones rather than them thinking of you. August sees you shuffling your social commitments. It’s time for a review of your connections. Life changes and some associates stay connected and some drop off. Who are your true comrades? This is your month to firm up the positive connections, and perhaps discard those who lack true value. It’s not about ghosting but rather you need to assert your own hopes, dreams and wishes and see who is supportive and who is not.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

It’s life in the fast lane for Scorpios as the planets Mars, and Uranus combine in the heavens with the North Node, all in your opposing Sign Taurus. Something or someone is going to light up your life. Singleton Scorpios be prepared for a fated encounter. And if you are already in a committed relationship then be prepared to spice up your union, or watch the sparks fly. Whether you are single or hitched, you have a date with destiny when it comes to partnerships. This could also springboard into your professional life. If you have been yearning for a change of direction then August is your month to get out your inner compass and go for it.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

Goal setting is the theme for August. And the sky is the limit. One of the Sagittarius super powers is the ability to see the big picture, and now you have the perfect excuse to soar. Your ruling planet Jupiter is in the 5th House of your Solar Chart, so you can be creative. It’s time to birth something new – an artistic project, a teaching program, a travel plan, a new romance or perhaps a living human being. The idea is that you use your imagination and aim high. Have fun. Everyday life is full of surprises that can unsettle or excite.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

Interest rates, high return investments, stocks, trading, taxation rules, property fluctuations, inheritance tax and so on can be overwhelming to many. But not usually for a money-smart Capricorn. You are good at doing your homework and knowing how to invest your time and money. August sees the focus turn to this area of your life. Your income and your outgoings are under review. It’s time to check your figures and make any necessary adjustments. You may set a long-term monetary goal that sees you temporarily tighten the budget. Or perhaps you invest in yourself and take a well-earned sabbatical.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Your nearest and dearest may disrupt your equilibrium this month. Not to worry, you are well able to cope. The stable planet Saturn continues to wend its way through your Zodiac Sign lending its steady influence to any excitement on the home front. You can easily steady any excited emotions, and fix any electrical appliances at the same times as focusing on your own self-development while taking care of business at home, and in your family. Your marital relationship is also highlighted. Singletons may catch the eye of a potential partner. Aquarians in a committed relationship can create a little romance.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

Your mental health is the focus during August. You need to implement everyday routines that support good physical, emotional and mental health. Sensitive Pisces need the support of warm and loving friends and family, as well as a work environment that has a lot of give and take. If you are in a good place, then build on this. Enjoy yourself. If not, then seek support. You may also benefit from employing others to shore up your life – an admin assistant, cleaner, babysitter or some such support person could give you just the boost you need for happy endorphins.

Monthly Horoscopes July 2022

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

It’s another busy month for the Rams of the Zodiac as your ruling planet Mars continues to wend its way through your Sign. This month the emphasis is on home and family. This is the ideal time to start home renovation projects, or to install a home gym. Action is the key to success. You need a positive outlet for your extra energy. If family politics heats up then head out for a run or another favourite form of letting off steam. You benefit from any self-improvement activities as you are highly motivated at the moment.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

Your money mindset is under scrutiny again during July. It’s time to challenge your views about money. You may get a boost in your finances, or perhaps you make a much-desired purchase, something you have been saving for. Your manifestation powers are strong. So, stop worrying about bills, and focus on what you want to attract. Count your blessings and make sure that you are not taking anything or anyone for granted. A short journey is also likely to boost your morale. You need to strike the right balance between comfortable home time and outings that delight.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

July starts with Venus, the planet of love, in your Zodiac Sign indicating a jolly social time in which you are happy to don your glad rags and kick up your heels. You may also feel the urge to change your appearance, adopt a new style, a makeover. Activities that boost your self-esteem are called for. These don’t have to be expensive – a walk on the beach, an unread book from your library, or a chat with a friend are some suggestions. You need to make sure that you balance your books this month. Boost your wellbeing but don’t break the bank.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

Every now and then opportunities arise for adjusting direction in life. This month you can take time out to consider where you are heading and to change course if you wish. Your career, your role as a parent, and your relationship with your boss are under the microscope. Does your career have meaning? Are you satisfied with your parental status? Do you need to step up in your profession? And what about your public image? These are the likely topics playing on your mind as July progresses. If you are unsure of what direction to take then write down the questions and the answers will come.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

The scouts’ motto ‘be prepared’ could be yours this month. Much is happening behind the scenes in preparation for the Sun moving into Leo on July 23. Rest up while you can. After the 23rd you can celebrate in true Leo fashion in your finest garb and with entourage in tow. In true royal style you can then celebrate your birthday and any other commemorative occasion. Changes at home are also likely this month. Perhaps you or a family member is taking a short trip, or you need to accommodate a loved ones change of circumstances.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

Your social calendar is filling up fast in July, particularly when it comes to work colleagues and associates. This may be as a result as a change in your working situation, a new role with more writing or speaking attached. Or perhaps you are busy networking for a new job. Changes on the work front may mean that you have reached a fork in the road. You need to communicate your professional requirements, and then make decisions. You could also take a moment to reassess how you invest your time and money, as decisions now are likely to affect your assets.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

You have high hopes during July. Like an old-time song says you are ‘shooting for the stars’. This could be linked to writing, teaching, studying or travelling. Something is sparking a restless need to spread your wings and fly. Your professional life is also highlighted and so you are likely to be busier at work. Extra effort in your career attracts the attention of an important authority figure. An important Aries person is also likely to give you a helping hand when it comes to pursuing your professional or partnership dreams. Lucky Jupiter is in the partnership sector of your Solar Chart.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

It’s time to expand your horizons. This may mean letting go of outworn hopes and dreams and embracing some new ones. Take some time to review your goals. Do they still hold true? Perhaps you need to change your mindset? Or maybe you need to move out of your comfort zone. An overseas trip or study program could spark a new direction, but are you ready? Peace of mind and broadening your horizons are the name of the game this month. Meanwhile you also need to avoid conflict with your nearest and dearest, or a business partner.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

Joint resources are the focus during July. This includes any area where you share your resources, or invest your money such as banks, the stock market, property and shared assets. It’s time to check your ledgers and make the most of your assets. You may also invest in a property, receive a monetary boost from an authority or obtain an inheritance. Your ruling planet Jupiter is in a positive aspect to your Sun Sign and so you can count on creative projects, trips away or fun times with children to recharge your energy.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

Partnership is the name of the game during July. This could be your primary personal partner, or a business contract. It’s time to date, mate and relate. This is the case whether you are single or in a committed relationship. Make the effort to connect. Also, you could look at the effect that you have on the major alliances in your life, as well as the influence that these relationships have on yours. Simply put. Positive connections add value to your life. Negative ones are draining. So, make inroads towards positive connections. Embrace love.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Lifestyle matters are key this month. It’s time to assess your daily habits. You need to change anything that is hindering your health and wellbeing, and adopt behaviours that add value to your everyday life. This could include changing your diet, exercise or even your workaday routine. It’s time to make positive, long-lasting lifestyle changes that improve your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. And while you are at it, you might like to assess your connections with workmates and ensure that these are positive, uplifting and productive. It may be time for some team building.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

Immerse yourself in fun-filled activities, and surround yourself with playful people this month. It’s time to be more childlike in your approach to life. Like children, you need to live in the present moment and enjoy yourself. Children, your own or other people’s, may feature prominently providing living examples of how to live more joyfully. A creative or artistic project may also enliven your everyday life this month. If all else fails, you could take a hobby that gets your imagination flowing – dancing, art classes, poetry, crafty workshops and such like could appeal. Let the ideas flow.

Monthly Horoscopes June 2022

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

Health and happiness are on your mind in June. This is the ideal time to pay attention to your own needs, and to communicate them to others. Self-improvement programs are likely to appeal. And if ever you wanted to write your personal memoires, then this is the time to start because your mind is sharp and self-expression is highlighted. You may need to focus a little on how you communicate to others. A sharp mind is one thing, a sharp tongue quite another. On the whole, though this is a positive month during which you can move forward with your own agenda.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

Why is it always about money when it comes to Taurus? Once again, the planets seem to be encouraging your pre-occupation with security and personal finances. June starts with both the Sun and Moon lined up in the 2nd House of your Solar Chart calling on you to focus on your income and personal spending habits. It’s possible that you need to juggle your income and expenditure in some way. Take another look at your budget and make any tweaks that are helpful to boosting your self-esteem. A clear-out sale of possessions may also help increase your income for the month.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

Self-improvement is the name of the game in June. Your ruling planet Mercury is Retrograde in your Zodiac Sign for a few days at the start of the month, giving you pause for self-reflection. But life soon picks up speed. You can then enjoy life in the fast lane as long as you choose your direction so that you can make the most of the opportunities that come your way. As a typical Gemini you may have trouble settling on just one path. If this is the case, then try to still your busy mind and follow your heart.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

Each year the period preceding your birthday calls for quiet reflection. So, the first few weeks of June are all about what is happening behind the scenes. How are you preparing to celebrate your birth? And what projects are you preparing to bring into the world? Also how are you going to be of service to the world? These are the questions that arise this month. You may seek to retreat while you consider your next birthday year. It’s also possible that these reflections or plans contribute to a change of job, or career, or perhaps parenthood depending on your age.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

Your social life takes off as June progresses – both in your personal and professional life. Pleasurable pastimes with other people are important boosting your sense of fun, positivity and vitality. Your need for social connection is instinctual. So, listen to your instincts when it comes to friendships. As you reach out and link up with people from different walks of life, you may also connect with a woman in a position of authority. This connection is likely to help you in your professional life. June is the ideal month for you to reach out and connect.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

chievements, past or present, are on your mind this month. With your ruling planet Mercury high in your Solar Chart its time to focus on your life achievements. Your status as a parent, grandparent, professional worker or public offer is highlighted. If you are satisfied that you are on the right path then you are likely to receive a boost in the form of praise from your boss, a promotion or an aware. If you are dissatisfied then it’s time to pivot. A conference, training program or professional adviser could be beneficial. Focus on what give you meaning in your public life.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

deally you can take off to distant shores with a loved one with the tune of ‘The Love Boat’ resounding in your mind. It’s time for romance. A cruise, mountaintop hideaway, inspiring concert, rousing sports event or spiritual seminar can be enjoyed with someone close. If an escape to a foreign land or inspirational event is not possible then perhaps you can plan an escape at home? If you are single, you may meet someone special with the lucky planet Jupiter moving into the marriage sector of your Solar Chart. If all else fails, take a moment to sit and watch the sunset and feel at one with the world.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

Seasons come and go as you are well aware this month. June sees you making changes that help you adjust to the cycles of life. Perhaps you are undergoing a rite of passage, a transition from one season in your life to another. Or maybe you are simply shifting how you invest your time, energy and money. Your changes in lifestyle or attitude may also spark a revised work schedule or health regime. If you lack motivation why not try a boot camp – a health or money one? If circumstances are beyond your control, then simply try to maintain a sense of normalcy.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

Everyday routine is shaken up a little in June. This change of routine may be sparked by your nearest and dearest. Much as you would like to focus on yourself and your own creative projects, the planets are calling on you to support your loved ones – children, parents or a partner. You need to keep the lines of communication open. Singletons may experience a case of opposites attract or perhaps face a choice between two potential partners. Whether you are single or in a relationship, your thoughts are centred on partnership and choices are being made when it comes to a major relationship.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

Lifestyle is the focus this month. Lifestyle is defined as ‘patterns of behaviour, interaction, consumption, work, activity and interests that describe how a person spends their time.’ So, June sees you examine your lifestyle and make adjustments as to how you spend your time. Your health depends on a balanced lifestyle. All work and no play is a temptation for Capricorns. Take some time to boost your own sense of wellbeing even if it means spending less time at work. You may consider a change of jobs, not career but a position that is better suited to your preferred lifestyle.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

The planets are lined up in the private section of your Solar Chart calling on you to enjoy your own company, your home and the company of loved ones. It’s all about having fun. You may have a specific project that involves creativity and working from home. Alternatively, it’s possible that children are showing you the way to live in the present moment. You may also enjoy taking a short break away from work with family and friends. An escape to the country or the seaside could appeal as a way to spark up your outlook on life.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

Otters live in a den called a holt, or a couch. As a Pisces you are likely drawn to these delightful animals and their playful antics on land and in water. And they are particularly appealing this month because you need to focus on your own den, home and couch. Home and family are the strongest theme in June. It’s time to shelter and to shore up your roots. You can swim in the river or ocean but you need, like the otter, to return to a safe den or couch. Rest, relax and enjoy your home life.

Monthly Horoscopes May 2022

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

It’s not like you to hide your light under a bushel but the planets are calling on you to lay low for a while. It’s not that you are inactive but rather than you need to be preparation rather than presentation mode, so to speak. It’s possible that external forces are requiring you to retreat momentarily. You are planning your strategy or working on a project that slows your social life. You may also benefit from looking at your finances – your budget, income, expenditure and your money habits and beliefs. A money bootcamp could be the way to go.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

This is your month to shine. You need to swap your bedroom slippers for your party shoes, or perhaps some hiking boots. Action is called for. You are eager for change. You may even feel an unusual spontaneous urge for a makeover. The idea is to step it up a notch, enjoy yourself and mingle. Your social calendar fills up fast so make sure that you are connecting with like-minded people. Romance is also in the air. Singletons look for someone special, while Taureans in partnerships look to create some spark. Be spontaneous and the fun and romance flow.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

Your ruling planet Mercury is moving into your Sun Sign which augurs well for all connections, human and otherwise. Otherwise means public transport, sales exchanges, good delivered, postal matters and contracts. Secret business is also afoot. You can work on plans or projects behind the scenes ready to launch nearer to your birthday. Just make sure that you are not up to any Gemini monkey business and all is well. Planets are also aligned in the professional section of your Solar Chart indicating that your plans may be connected to your improving or changing your career goals.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

Sometimes the couch is more inviting than prospective social events. Your natural Cancer Sun nature is like our symbol the crab. You just want to hunker down under the sand (or bed covers). The month of May calls on you to step out and about. You could go all out and put on your dancing shoes and party, party, party. And perhaps even put a few pics up on social media. Or you could simply network with like-minded people, for business or pleasure. You may even hear from an overseas connection. It’s time to pursue your own dreams and expand your horizons.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

The cycles of life play on your mind during May. These ponderings could be associated with economic, weather, sleep, or life and death cycles. Or perhaps on emotional or metaphysical matters. If you are in business then this is an ideal time to visit or revisit your vision or mission statements, as well as how you invest your time, energy and money. It’s all connected and you can see this emerge with clarity. As you ponder the meaning of life and its patterns, you may start to realise that its time for a change of scenery in one or more areas of your life.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

How is your love life going? Or more specifically how is your relationship status? It’s time to get serious about personal connections. This is not about romance although that could be sparked. It’s more about commitment. Singletons you need to consider your relationship options. Are you happy with your single status or does it need to change? Virgos already in partnership, you need to focus on your union. Are you happy? Do any relationship issues need to be discussed? Do you have the right balance in your partnerships? Business partnerships may also be under scrutiny.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

The Nike slogan “just do it” is your slogan for May. As a Libran, you can be one of the great procrastinators of the Zodiac. You have the best of intentions and great vision but where to start is the question. This month start you must. Start small, but start. As entrepreneur Denise Duffield-Thomas states no more procrasti-cleaning, procrasti-tidying, or procrasti-planning. You need to take action on a daily basis. It’s time to observe how you invest your time, energy and money and take steps to change your habits. No more fence sitting. Tiny steps will do. Aim for action, not perfection.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

You need something or someone to light your fire this month. The planets are urging you to find and follow your bliss. This could be connected to an artistic project that ignites your passions, or to a person who is central in your life. Your need to find your muse and create some magic. If you are just not feeling it, then spend some time with small children. Watch how they play in the moment, using their imagination and letting their feelings flow. Try it for ourself and note your feelings. What or who gives you joy? Follow that.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

Lifestyle matters are highlighted in May. It’s all about your work/life balance. You are likely tweaking your daily life so that you have more time for your home and loved ones. You may start a home decoration project, or perhaps a plan to work from home. This is also a good month to seek ways to improve your health and well-being, and that of your family. You ruling planet Jupiter start the month in a dance with the planet of love, Venus. So, these changes may also ultimately boost your finances and your love life. Happy days!

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

If you have wanted to start a creative project and wondered when was the right time then May could be your month! Writing, painting, designing, coding, debating, dancing, acting, and signing are just a few suggestions. Your budget is on your mind but uppermost is your need to express yourself. You don’t have to quit your day job but you do need to get started. Just do it and the ideas will flow. Listen to your sparks of intuition. If you are flummoxed as to where to start then listen to podcasts, read magazines and books, talk to friends, and all becomes clear.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

The planets are lined up in the private sector of your Solar Chart, lighting up household finances and family matters. It’s time to put your house in order. And this could mean looking at your budget, although you are more likely to err on the side of indulgence, luxury and spending rather than tightening your purse strings. This is true whether you live on your own or with loved ones. The theme this month is enjoying your personal space, improving your private life where necessary and indulging in a few more home pleasures. Let your home fires burn brightly.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

Mindfulness is your theme for May. And perhaps also your mindset. Do you know your own mind, or are you too busy trying to go with the flow? This is your month to set a few boundaries that help with your own health and happiness. Take some time to know your own self. As ancient philosophy Socrates said: “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom”. Reading, talking to others, and journaling could be helpful. Audio books, and podcasts may give you a boost. But mostly you need to be silent and listen to your own inner voice. And then set your limits.

Monthly Horoscopes April 2022

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

Maroon 5’s song ‘Memories” could be your theme song during April. Usually, you are focussed on what’s next, but the start of this month sees you reflecting on the past. It’s possible that an incident has sparked a period of isolation, or self-reflection. Your dream life may also be vivid as you process recollections from the past. As the month progresses, so do you. Your period of reflection, of processing memories, leads to a renewed sense of self. You are ready to tackle the world in your usual ram-like manner. You may even feel like a makeover, some that helps you feel brand new.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

After a busy month or two, it’s now time to slow down, perhaps to retreat, to hideaway from the world. Perhaps you have a reason to take refuge, such as a project that requires you to work away behind the scenes in your den. Or maybe you just need a well-earned break. You may also find some solace in visiting museums, art galleries, aquariums, spiritual temples or labyrinths. This is your time to enjoy tapping into your subconscious yearnings and bring them to the surface. Take note of your dream life, if you are looking for direction.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

You are a social butterfly this month. It really is time to spread your wings, and flit out and about. Whether you mingle socially for personal or work purposes doesn’t really matter. You need to network. If your circumstances prevent one-on-one contact then you could Zoom around the neighbourhood. If you have social media accounts then now is your time to connect with your followers and groups. Friendships are paramount whether you are supporting someone close, or they are supporting you. It’s time to make connections in your life, ones that sustain your hopes, dreams and wishes.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

It’s time to shine in your chosen profession. You may be rather sensitive to the opinions of those in your workplace, or colleagues in your chosen field. Take on board any positive feedback, and ignore the rest. Remember you do have the hard shell of a crab to hide behind if necessary. April is your time to move forward with your career goals. You need to put yourself forward and value your emotional insights. It doesn’t matter if you feel vulnerable. Vulnerability can inspire others. What matters is that you are authentic. This is also the month to ensure that you are following your true calling.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

It’s a make-or-break time in a key relationship. A personal or business partner is asking for more commitment. If you welcome this turn of events then all is well. You may plan an adventure as a couple. Travel overseas is a possible plan. Or perhaps together you can plan for another form of escape. If you feel constricted within a current partnership then you may dream of escape. Perhaps you are torn between your own need for independence and the needs of your partner. If so, it’s time to have a serious conversation which will either deepen or loosen your bond.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

The circle of life is playing on your mind right now. Events are reminding you that nothing stays the same for long. People change. Circumstances change. As a result, your daily life alters. For instance, the birth of a baby shifts every member of an immediate and extended family into a different gear. So do other things, like one family member having a new job, or another needing sick leave. Whatever your personal scenario, something is prompting you to change your daily routine and your habits. It’s important for you to continue to look after yourself during April.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

Mating. Dating. Relating. These are highlighted now. If you are single then it’s time to either take steps to meet a new lover, or to fall in love with yourself. Perhaps a business partner or work contract is being negotiated. If you are in a committed relationship, then it’s time to deepen the bond. Romantic gestures need not be grandiose but could be small acts that show that you have been paying attention to your loved one. April is your month to consider everything through the lens of the two of you as a couple and how your decisions and actions will impact your partner and your relationship.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

Home maintenance is your current focus. It’s time to attend to the daily details that improve your quality of life. It’s the little things that make life at home more comfortable that are spotlighted now. Look around. Notice any appliances that need fixing or replacing. Do any small animals need home treatments or a trip to the vet? Or are some family members needing buoying? Perhaps it’s you who is in need of a pep talk, or to start a new project at home. A healthy new diet or activity could be just the ticket, or a trip to the hardware store.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

Your idea scenario in April is to take a short journey somewhere fun, either a romantic trip with a loved one, or staycation for creative purposes. If this is not possible then perhaps you could allocate some time to learn a new hobby, join a local interest group, write in your journal, or have a coffee-catchup with a sibling, or all of the above! The idea is that you go with the flow of the planets which are lined up in the third house of your Solar Chart. So, it’s more about enjoying your private connections, rather than pushing your professional goals.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

Are the foundations of your life firm? The planets have been buffeting your Zodiac Sign in recent years. Hopefully you have risen to the occasion and embraced the changes that needed to be made, while shoring up those that needed to remain. April now calls for you to make sure that you are on a firm footing in your private life. This could be linked to your living quarters and/or your family. Perhaps you are ready for a new abode? A place that now reflects the changes and services the next phase of your life? If so, then it’s time to check your budget and get going.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Decisions, decisions, decisions. Is it time to take a big leap? What are you worried about? Your worries may be needless. Purchase or pick up your journal and write down all that is on your mind. Perhaps you need to communicate your thoughts in a loving manner to loved ones, or to any professional person who can shed light on your situation. Once you have a clear mind then your decision becomes clearer. Then you have the self-discipline to implement your plans. You need only watch that your budget doesn’t blow out. Once again professional advice could be helpful.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

April is your month to shine. The planets are aligned in your Zodiac Sign supercharging you. The questions are, how do you want to make the most of this powerful planetary alignment, and what is most important to you right now? Take a break, meditate, pray or notice your dreams, if the answer is not immediate. You may also tune into nature, music, or some other form of the arts. Look for signs from the universe. Once you have the answers to these questions then you need only stay focussed and manifest your dreams. Others will follow your lead.